Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"After Christmas Sales" or "Better or Different"

This week Steph and I came to a decision. We needed a new Christmas Tree. We decided this last year but waited until this week to get one. The turning point came last year when half the lights went out on our old pre-lit tree. At first we decided to just make do and buy new lights ofr the tree and cover up the old lights with the new ones. So we bought 600 lights for this old tree. It was better at first but it soon became disappointing. You could still see some of the broken branches and the lights which did not work anymore. The duct tape which held some of the branches in place was still visible at some points around the tree. The ornaments didn't hide the ugly spots and it just didn't work anymore. We tried with all our might to make it better and it was, but it still wasn't good enough. We knew the only way to get what we truly wanted was to buy a new one. and we did and now we can't wait for Christmas next year so we can put up our new tree with the new ornaments and the new lights!
This got me thinking about church and why we go. So many of us go to become better. We want to be a better parent, a better spouse, a better employee, a better Christian, or a better person. But maybe just maybe that's the wrong reason to go. There are 100 hundred resources out there that can do the same job, and probably do it better. You see the problem with coming to church to get better is that when we leave we still can see the broken branches of our lives. The lights are still out and the scars are still visible. If church is just a place to go and become a better version of yourself, stay home! But the church should offer something you can't find anywhere else. It should offer the chance to become something new, something different, something which is more like Christ! "The Old has passed away, and look the New has come!" We offer Jesus and the opportunity to become more and more like Him everyday. When we become something new and something different then we'll find ourselves anticipating the next time the doors are open, not wondering why I have to go to yet another service.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Christmas Fun" or "We're #1"

The other day we all decided to go out and look at the various Christmas light displays around town. Of course, we decided to do this on a weekend when every person in the tristate area was out doing the same thing! So as we are driving we pull out on the main road and a car comes zooming by us and decides to spread some Christmas cheer by flipping us off! My 8 year old sweet, innocent daughter sees this and asks from the back, "what is he doing?" So, in my usual and sarcastic way, I tell her he is just saying, "I'm #1, I'm #1".
A few days later we are driving a truck pulls out right in front of us and I have to swerve to miss from hitting him. then from the back we hear the sweet angelic voice of my 11 year exclaim, "We're #1, We're #1". (I have never been more proud in all my life! - Please note the sarcastic tone here.) I told her right them and there she had just made into my blog once again. She protested until I threatened with some other more revealing stories in which I could tell! Then, it was o.k.
I started thinking about all the stories my family could tell on me. All the stories they could embarrass me with. Then I thought about how this is a pretty good example of of what Family is all about. Family is when people have all kinds of dirt on you and but they leave their shovel at home! so, Mysha, Kisha, and Steph, don't worry I'll leave the really good stuff alone! Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Thanksgiving Fun!" or "Am I Really Related To These People??"

This past week we along with millions of others celebrated Thanksgiving with family. Of course we had the turkey and dressing, the cranberry sauce and the pumpkin pie, and the green bean casserole and the homemade rolls. But we also had something that I had somehow forgotten how special it was to me, Family.
I know my family is, how shall I say it, unique. Before the meal began we were watch the first football game and then all of a sudden came one of the loudest burps I had ever heard in my life! I was even more shocked to turn and see that it came from my Grandmother! To which she replied, "That was some good Coke!" Another incident came soon after when my aunt, you know who you are, confessed to "borrowing" her neighbors paper. The paper which had all the ads in it for the next morning's Black Friday sales! Shame shame shame! Or the interesting interaction between Ruby and everyone else who dare to try to hold her. (Ruby is my 50 pound English Bulldog) And that is just 3 of the things which happened! I could on and on but the point is that Thanksgiving was loud, crazy, and eventful! And I loved every minute of it! I laughed and laughed at all the crazy people who claim to be related to me, but I don't see how that is possible!
But even in the midst of the lunacy, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I can't imagine what a normal Thanksgiving must be like. Thank-you Lord for these people you have put in my life who have helped shape who I am today! After all, I need to be able to blame someone!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Where's the Color?" or "The Effects of the Storm"

I was looking outside in anticipation for the past month only to be disappointed. We have this tree on the corner of the house that turns the brightest shade of yellow every year at fall. However, this year it went straight to brown and now is beginning to go bare. I have been told that it is because of the ice storm we had last year. They tell me the tree was damaged in the storm so it could not display its color this year, but maybe next year it will be back to its brilliant self. It is going to take time and plenty of sun for the tree to be restored. But right now all I see is brown and it doesn't seem as if it will ever be as beautiful again.
I could help but think of some friends of mine. They were the brightest, most enjoyable people I knew. They loved to laugh and to make others laugh as well. They had such enthusiasm for life. But then it happened. A storm blew into their lives and as a result their color disappeared. Laughing was the last thing on their minds. They just wanted to make to the next day. Each day was a struggle. The smallest details in life became a burden for them. It seemed hopeless and lost. As if the color is gone from their lives forever.
But after a while, I began to see a spark here and there. I'd see a smile every once in a while. Then as time passed and as they began to heal, the laughter came back. Never again the same, but there nevertheless. Now we can laugh together and cry together, and their color is brighter than ever and in a lot of ways more beautiful than before. It's amazing what God can do!
Maybe, just maybe, my tree will shine again!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Have A Nice Day" or "What Did She Say To Me?"

The other day Steph and I were eating at a restaurant in Evansville. It is a friendly place where all the employees that work there yell welcome when you enter and Good Bye when you leave. So, while we were sitting there, a couple of ladies left and the girl behind the counter yelled out, "Have a nice day!". The 2 ladies stopped and came back into the store and one of them asked, "Do you know her?" The girl politely said no and then the lady began to berate her. I can only guess that the problem was, at best, being friendly, or at worst, doing her job.
I was just amazed that someone would just offended simply because of a cordial greeting. The ladies made such a fuss and demanded the girl be fired. This bothered Steph to the point she stayed a few moments to make sure the manager heard what had really happened. I wanted to go after the ladies and tell them to get over themselves, but Steph saw the real need and rushed to meet it. I have been so proud and humbled by her actions they have inspired to look for the opportunities to reach out when I can. Let's not miss the chance to make a difference in someones life when we can.
By the way, The manager followed us out to our Jeep and thanked us for staying and saying something. And you know what he said, "Have a nice Day!" Can You believe that?!?!?!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Finding Superman" or "Being Adventurey" - Part 2

For some background on the situation I am expanding on read Part 1.

After we left Metropolis, IL, then we headed over to Cave In Rock State Park. While we were there we hiked, explored the caves and enjoyed the brisk air. In the middle of our excursion, Kianna yells out, "I love being adventurey! I am an adventurey girl!"
I had to stop an think about what adventurey meant. The best I came up with is "the state of loving and seeking adventure!" Today she got up and talked about how bored she was with the "same ole', same ole' things". She wants adventure.
Adventure is is that great call from the unknown and the unfamiliar. It is the promise of fun and challenge. It is the unpredictability of what you will face and the test of who you will become. A true adventure is unforgettable and life changing. It is a molding experience which pushes you beyond the limits of comfort and sometimes ability.
I guess that is why life is considered such an adventure. You just never know what is around the corner. We plan, save, prepare, and study up for every possible situation and never the less we still get blindsided. That is what makes life so hard but it also what makes life so great!
So get out and enjoy what God has made for us. Get out and explore this vast creation before us. Get out and be adventurey!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Finding Superman" or "Being Adventurey" - Part 1

The other day we went and watched Mykaela run in Marshall County and after the race we decided to go on a day trip. We decided to go to Metropolis. Yes, that's right, the home of Superman. So there we are in Metropolis and there in the city is a huge statue of Superman. We go ahead and take the obligatory pictures of us posing like the man of steel, and then tour the gift shop where you could buy everything Superman. From tshirts to underwear, from capes to wigs, it was all on sale. Everything you would need to be your very own Superman! And I have to admit, it was all very tempting. This lure to become something more, something better, something bigger than myself.
We all want to be Superman or Spiderman or Wonder Woman or a superhero of some kind. We want the special powers. we want the abilities that make others gasp in wonder and awe. we all want to do something greater than ourselves. That's the beauty of Superman.
So, in order to become our very own Superman, we work out, eat less, spend more money on gadgets (Batman?!?!?), or attempt to do something great. The funny thing is the Word of God gives us the prescription to becoming great. But it's not easy. It can be painful. It is to live humbly before our God and follow His commands. When we do that, then we will see things we never thought possible, and won't even need a cape to do it. Although capes can be cool!

P.S. Next week I'll tell you about the rest of that trip.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Tough Choices" or "Fantasy Football Dilemas"

This year I have been participating on a couple of Fantasy Football Leagues. (I know I'm a Dork! Are you surprised by that????) These leagues have really changed my perspective on watching football. I am now watch games of teams I used to not care about about whatsoever. It has also put me a bit of a quandary. When ever one of my players are playing my beloved Cowboys, how do I cheer? Who do I root for? What is more important? Do I cheer the team I have rooted for as long as I have watched football or do I encourage the player on the other team which will help me win? You can see my dilemma?
These decisions are not all that different than some choices we make everyday. There are times when we come to a crossroad in our lives and we have to decide between the God who has always been there for us and has helped throughout our lives or the new desires or opportunities or the new relationships we have in our lives. We know the right answer but the decision is really tough. Do we go with what is right or with what we want?
Stay firm. Stay Loyal. Choose God and His will. That way He always win. He's gonna win anyways.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"A Unwelcome Revelation" or "Finding Common Ground"

O.K., it's official, I am old and fat. This information hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. I have been running with Mysha's Cross Country team, (which is where the fat part comes in), and we were trying to teach the kids about speed and determination. The coach and I tried to come up with examples of this to illustrate to the kids about what we were talking about. First we tried to use Carl Lewis, which was met with blank stares. Then we tried Michael Johnson, still no connection. Finally, we mentioned Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay, then the knew what we were talking about. Then it dawned on me that most of these kids weren't alive or old enough to see or know Michael Johnson or Carl Lewis (That's were the old part came in). They had never experienced their awe inspiring feats of speed and grace on the track. We had to find a way they could understand and not insist they go home and pull up footage of these two so they could understand what we were saying. We had to relate with them.
Today, we live in a highly unchurched popluation with people who do not know Jesus or the things He did. We are speaking to them of redemption and atonement and they don't have a clue of what we are talking about. Too many times we insist they go home and figure it out on their own but we need to be able to speak their language. We need to show them of what we believe and not try to make them just figure it out somehow. If we don't tell, who will?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Every Day Counts" or "Being Consistent"

The last time I wrote about Mysha and the legacy she is now continuing in with Cross Country. Well, She had her first meet last Saturday and beat her best time by 2 minutes!!!! I was amazed by the acheivenment and I asked her what made the diference. She looked at me and said, "Every Day Counts, Dad!"
This statement has been marinating in my head for almost a week now. It is so simple and yet so profound. Steph's favorite phrase here lately has been, "Be the Change You Want to See". We sit around waiting for something to happen. We all complain about how things are. We all dream about how things could be. But what do we do about it? We need to be the change we want to see in the world with the understanding that every day does count so let's get started! Thanks Mykaela for those words of wisdom!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"A Proud Daddy!" or "Learning the Hard Way"

O.k. I have to admit I have been a bit excited over the past couple weeks. My daughter Mykaela (Mysha) is now on the Cross Country Team at Henderson County High School. I am so proud because she is continuing a tradition of running on the Shouse family. My Dad ran for Daviess County High School. I ran for Apollo High School. And now here she is, taking the baton of legacy and running as well. It has sparked a unexpected feeling of pride and elation in my heart. She has taken something of mine and Dad's and now is making it her own. The other day we went out and ran more than 2 miles. When we got finished, (more accurately when I was finished) she went out and ran another one.
This is quite different than her initial reaction to the sport just a week ago. It was hard, difficult and tiring. She wanted to quit. I didn't understand why because I had warned her how tough it was. In fact, my exact words was that it was going to be torture for 2 weeks, then it gets easier. I told her it would never be easy but it would get easier. I also told her if it ever got really easy, she probably wasn't doing it right. (Runners know what I am talking about.) I told her of the amazing team she would apart of. There is just something about being apart of a group of people who share blood, sweat, and tears together. I told her that when she got to the meets, she would be so excited and they were thrilling. I told her about the sense of accomplishment of finished a feat of endurance. I told her of the energy she would have with other things. I told her the good and the bad of running, and in spite of all my instruction, encouragement, and truth telling, she still wanted to quit.
I was upset, mad, and a little perturbed that she did not want to finish the 2 weeks I warned her about. But she did finish them and now she loves it!!! She's hooked on it. We now have a bond which others can never understand until they go through the rights of torture we have experienced.
This experience is not an unusual one in life. I read about Isaac not long ago. In the beginning of Isaac's journey in life, he would always talk about the God of Abraham or the God of my Father. Then somewhere along the way it became "my God". Eventually it became the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But it did not start that way. Isaac had to find and discover God on his own. I know Abraham encouraged, instructed, and told the truth about God to his son but until Isaac found God himself, he never quite got it.
After he got it, though, he and Abraham had something no one could understand until they, too, found the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for themselves.
What about you? Have you found Him? Let me tell, it isn't easy. At times it will feel like torture. But as your faith grows it will get easier, but never easy. In fact, if it is ever easy, you probably not doing it right. But you have to commit yourself to doing it.
Why do those words seem so familiar????

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"How Quick We Forget" or "Spiritual Amnesia"

This has been a tough week. It has been a week where there have been spiritual attacks from all fronts. And in these times, it is so easy to forget about who God is and the promises He makes to those who love and follow Him. It's easy to forget all the times He has proved Himself over and over again. It's easy to overlook the impact God has had through you. It is during these times we tend to experience Spiritual Amnesia.
The truth still remains that God is still the same God who did all those amazing things yesterday. He is still the same God who used Joseph's imprisonment for His glory. He is the same God who Moses even though He was over 80 years old. He is the same God who took Daniel and used him for the glory of God and His people in a foreign land. He is still the same God who used roughnecks like Peter and John and changed the world even tough they were arrested over and over. He is the same God who who took a man completely stuck in the tradition of his day and changed his name from Saul to Paul to create an innovative and impactful mission of spreading the Word to the nations. He is the same God who has used you and me to reach a world that is lost and dying in their sin. Let the complainers revel in their misery and disgust. Let us be about the mission God has in store for us. Do not be distracted by these petty issues that have no eternal significance and reach out to the hurting and lost among us.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Putting Up With Him

One of my favorite TV shows is Monk. It is a show about a former police detective who is now a consultant and helps the San Fransisco Police solve the strangest cases. However, everybody is completely uncomfortable around Monk, including Monk himself. He has so many phobias and issues that it is hard to keep straight. (He is afraid of milk because it is a bodily fluid! You're welcome for that one!) He doesn't have anyone who just hangs out with him. He always cleaning up when ever there is a mess even if it's not His. But He always solves the case, always. He is always right, so people put up with him.
Often times, we treat God the same way. We know we need Him. We know He is right. We know He can solve any problem we face. But He makes us uncomfortable, so we only call when we need Him. Or, We just "put up" with Him. Being in God's presence is the most uncomfortable place we can be. In light of His presence, we see our sin, shortcomings, and failures. We might cut ourselves some slack but God never does, He loves us too much for that. He wants to change us and clean us up so that we may be more like Him. He wants to show us a better way. A way of joy.
In the book of Jeremiah, God says, "Because you have trusted in Me, you will keep your life like the spoils (of war)." (39:18b) You don't tolerate or put up with spoils but you celebrate them. God wants your life to be like that as well! Revel in presence. Enjoy your time with Him. There will be messes to clean up, clutter to be sorted out, and problem to be solved, but He's really good at that!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Give Me! Give Me! Give Me!

For past 2 weeks, God has been doing some things quite extraordinary in my life and one of them has to do with my prayer life. I do a morning quiet time and usually my prayer time goes something like this...
Thank-You for this day and all you do for me. Please bless us in all we do today. Help me to follow You in all things. Help me to say the words You want me to say. Please take care of this and this and this and this and this and this, etc.... AMEN!
Now, there is nothing wrong with asking the Lord for provisions and guidance. (In fact, He tells us to.) The problem I found was I never spent any time in worship! Remember worship is about giving thanks for who He is! So, for the last 2 weeks I have been on a "requests ban"! What I mean is, I do not ask Him for anything during my quiet time. When people ask me to pray for them, I pray for them right then and there. When I have an issue or a problem, I pray for it when it happens. But in my quiet time in the morning, it's all about Him. I've been just lathering Him with love and devotion! Imagine that, showing Him devotion in my devotional time.
The results have been unreal. I can not believe how my outlook on life has changed. I live at peace no matter the circumstance. My trust and faith have grown immeasurably because every morning I am reminded of how GREAT He is. I am shown every morning that He is in charge of all things. He is never taken off guard or surprised by what might happen. He already has a plan in place for the situations we face. Therefore, worry is a great enemy in our lives because worry says we do not trust that God either knows about it or cares about it or both.
Take the next week and spend time with just you and God and in that time do not ask for a single thing. Instead give to Him what He wants most of all, us.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Old Way for a New Day

Okay, I'm going to cheat a little this week. I wrote this article earlier this year but I feel like I just need to post it here for some reason. Sorry to those who have already read it. It's a long one but finish it and allow God to speak to you.

We live in an incredible age. The amount of and access to technology makes us the most privileged people in the history of the world. We have a global community to which we can connect to most of the world at will. And at the forefront of this technological revolution is America.

America has more money, power, influence, and freedom than any country. And yet through our desire and ambition to remain the leader we have lost a vital part of who we are as a people and a country.

America has lost her church. Yes, we have churches on every corner of every style, size and emphasis you desire. The church has been marketed like no other in history. We have made some into brand names. We have turned others into recreation centers. We have some who are large media centers, and others who have worked hard and intentional to feel like home. We have some who have invented some great programs and has become household names as a result. We have every spiritual fad available for every taste and interest. We have surveys and numbers that can make your head spin and an accountant smile with glee. And as a result of it all, we have failed.

According to John Franklin, the church is advancing in every part of the world except in Japan, Western Europe, Australia, and yes, the leader of the world, America. But you and I didn’t need a book to tell us that. We see and feel it everyday. The church is under such pressure to come up with some great program or idea that will revolutionize the church and reach the masses and spread revival throughout our land. So we seek out those who have “found the secret” and buy all their books, attend all their conferences, implement all their programs, and listen to all their sermons. Until it fizzles out and we have to start the process all over again. No wonder I personally have known an average of 5 men a year for the past 10 years who have left the ministry because of burnout.

Now we have some who have decided the way out of this mess is to become more socially active in our communities. Reach the poor, homeless, and needy, and then the church will become the church again. While I appreciate them bringing notice to this very neglected aspect in most of our churches, it is not the secret. Just like the Prayer of Jabez, the Purpose Driven ministries, Evangelism Explosion, FAITH, and a host of others great programs before them, this too will have limited impact and not bring the desperately needed revival and spiritual awakening we long for.

So what is the answer? How do we get to the point when we begin to see lasting results of a significant nature? How do we get to the point where we all aren’t just playing church, or working a job as pastors or staff?

I do not even pretend to know all the intricacies and nuances of the problems the church faces today. But God has taught me something quite amazing in the past year. I am still learning what it is and where it is headed, but I have no doubt that I have been pushed into something special.

It started in a frustrating time in the ministry. I was tired, confused, and ready to give up. I had silently contemplated quitting, but had no idea what I would do. I was in a state of absolute brokenness. Then Sunday came and I had no clue how I was going to get up and preach on something I wasn’t really sure I knew about. Then our Praise team began to sing Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) and God spoke to me. It was in the time span of that song where He showed me my pride, arrogance, and self reliance. He also showed me a glimpse of His holiness. I got up to preach and I just couldn't find the words. I just began to weep. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. I had no idea what others would say about me, but I did not care. I began to confess what God had shown me and made a commitment right then and there to follow God wholeheartedly with all I had.

In the midst of this breakdown, I began to lead a Bible Study on Wednesday Night through the Book of Acts. It was an in depth view into the Early Church, the catalyst of my frustration. In the book of Acts, I saw a church who had nothing; no education, no budget; no technology; no influence; no freedom; and, heaven forbid, no Bible, at least the New Testament. Then I looked at the church where I was and saw what we had; education, budget, technology, influence, freedom, and every Bible you could imagine from King James to the New Living Translation. They had nothing, we have everything. Yet, they changed the world, we can’t change our community or even, let’s be honest, our own block. What is going on here? Why such a paradox? And more importantly, what can we do about it?

We were at the end of chapter 2 when it dawned on me. I saw there in verse 42, they had devoted themselves to several things; teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and then there it was, to prayer. The light came on and I went back and began to look throughout the book of Acts. There it was almost hidden in plain sight. They prayed. We talk about prayer, they prayed. We have prayer concerts, they prayed. We have books on prayer, they prayed. We have a conference on prayer, they prayed. We figure out structures on prayer, they prayed. We program our prayer, they prayed. We list our prayer, they prayed. We put prayer on T-shirts, they prayed. We preach on prayer, they prayed. We sing about prayer, they prayed. We have turned prayer into an excuse, they prayed. We add prayer to what we are doing, they prayed. Please tell me you get the point. We have missed the one thing the Early Church had which more than anything else changed the world.

God said in Isaiah 56 that His house would be a House of Prayer. Not a house of creativity, preaching, singing, ministry, or even potlucks, but a house of prayer. It seems as if the church of today is more interested in the former things than in the prayer. I hear pastors say their lowest attended service is the Wednesday night prayer service. Well, if I asked you to spend an hour of your time to list all the problems of those around and talk about them and then listen to a hastily unplanned service in which at some point we will pray over the whole list for about 1 or 2 minutes, would you show up? But just imagine if the house of prayer opened up and we sang songs of worship to God, who listens and knows our needs before we do, and then in some form or fashion began to labor for the needs of the community by name. Lifting every single name and concern, not all at once, but each one knowing God is God who loves us and cares for the needs on our hearts. And not only would need call out to God over the physical needs, but we would also pour out our hearts to God over the spiritual needs in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Would that be something worth your while? Then why don’t we do it? Because it is easier the other way.

God’s great desire is that we know Him. Even more than doing things for Him, He wants us to know Him. When we take the effort and get to know Him, Then the things we do will have more power and effectiveness behind it. We look at Acts 1:8 and focus on the places to be a witness, and completely ignore the fact we are to go with power first. We are so worried about how we are going to get there, what are the precise words we are going to use, or how is it going to be reported on with which form. Why not just spend extended amounts of time in prayer to God and be like Abraham and just Go when He tells you to go? But we are too structured and organized to possibly step out in faith when we know God has called us.

The Great Awakenings and Revivals began when people began to pray. We try to conjure it up but personalities and programs will not do it. God is not about the program, He is all about the relationship! And relationship at times gets messy. They are constantly surprising you and keep you on your toes. Try to program and structure the relationship with your kids. It won’t take very long when you will find out things will not go exactly as planned. Try to program the relationship with your wife? All these relationship can’t be planned and performed but rather they are just lived and adjusted to when needed. Why would our relationship with God be any different? He just wants to have the time with you then He will let you know what to do and where to go. But it must begin with as committing ourselves to become a people of prayer!

I humbly would ask that you just try something. For the next 40 days I would ask you to go on a fast. No a physical fast per say but rather a fast from the ordinary ways of the church. Take a fast from the commentaries, Christian self-help books, and canned straight out of the box programs. Take a journey into Prayer. Make a commitment for the next 40 days you are going to pray first over everything you do. I know it sounds impractical, but how has what we been doing worked? When someone stops you at church or on the street and ask you to pray for someone or something, stop whatever you are doing and pray with them. As you prepare the sermons and lessons to share, pray and seek God’s face and ask Him to fill you with power. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. To give you the words to share from His book not someone else’s.

As you take this challenge I will promise one thing. Things will get worse rather than better. As we have implemented this “Old Way” of life, we have some who has been absolutely opposed to it. They have spread rumors of me being lazy or uncaring. We have seen some leave the church. Opposition is a hallmark of the early church so why should it be any different for us? So what do we do? I read a Psalm of David (Psalms 25, 26) that asked God to rise up and defend him. I did the same and the attacks subsided and we stayed focused on becoming a people of Prayer. However, we have seen amazing things happen in church. We have seen people healed, relationships restored, children come to Christ, and obedience to Christ achieved. New ministries are being started and many of them I had no knowledge of. That is a good thing! I am not the head of the church, Christ is. I am there to provide guidance, support, and help where needed. People should not need our permission to obey God when He tells them to move. Personally, I have been refreshed and renewed in ministry. It is a joy now where it was pain. I am busier now than ever before but I also have been more effective in the ministry I am doing than ever before. I attribute every single part of it as a result of the constant time I try to spend in prayer. (1 Thess. 5:17)

I truly believe we have just seen the tip of the iceberg with what God is going to do in and through us. I pray God is moving us back to the Old Ways in these New Days!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trying to Bury a Foot!

Last week I was trying to plan a short vacation. As a Pastor, it is impossible to have a "staycation" because if your around then you are available. So I decided to go to a Reds Baseball game in Cincinnati. But I had time to kill so I thought I would make a weekend of it. I got on the net and began to look up weird and wonderful places to see on my trip. Like Rabbit Hash, Kentucky where the mayor is a Dog ( and it tried to bite me) or in Covington, KY, they have a house that is built like a UFO and a museum which has a 2-headed calf and a shruken head or even a place called Big Bone Lick State Park!
As I as looking these things up, I found a grave that had nothing but a foot in it. It was in Salisbury, NC where my wife just happened to be visiting her family. I told her about it and she went and found it. It is the foot of James A. Reid who had his foot severed in a freight train accident in the 1800's. He buried his foot in the Lutheran Cemetery and, ironically, the rest of him is buried across town in the Baptist Cemetery. But at the site of his foot is a headstone (or is it a footnote?) that marks the spot.
As I was laughing and thinking about this strange and weird thing, I got to thinking about how we all bury our foot. Jesus says, "If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." In writing about this verse, Dietrich Bonhoeffer famously wrote, "When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die." However, we are not quite willing to die completely to Christ so we try and compromise with Him by giving Him a foot. But He wants it all, not a foot. He wants to us to be completely sold out to Him. Not having one foot in the grave and one in world.
So let's all jump in with both feet! (Sorry I just couldn't resist that last one!)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Living In The Land Of Excess

Steph is out of town this week and has left home alone. So, as I normally do during our times of separation I have been doing some, well, shall we say some reinventoring. Reinventoring is when I go throughout the house and see if there is any junk laying around the house we haven't used in a really long time. If there are any such items then I throw it away or donate it to charity. This time I have found quite a few items which are just in the way. So, as I started to dispose of such items I began to think about the way we live here in America.
We are a people who love our toys even if we don't play with them. We are a people who collect all sort of items. The other day I even heard of some who collected collections whatever that meant! We are a people who have mortgaged our away into pleasure whether it be new cars, house, or the latest fashion. We are the fattest country on Earth for ALL-TIME! The rest of the world call us the richest nation on Earth, even in the current recession. Very few us are truly going without what we really need, so we strive after what we want.
So, what do we want? That's the million dollar question. I don't think we even know what we want. We see images and read stories about what everyone else says we should want. But often it leaves us unsatisfied or empty after the newness wears off. We are addicted to a feeling that fleeting and hard to hold on to.
What if we decided to just live off what we needed? What if we decided to follow the example of Jesus, and use the gifts He has given us to help those in need? I have often heard excuses like, "People are just going to take advantage of me." No one can take advantage of something that is given freely. What if we decided to depend on Him for all our needs? What could He do with us if gave Him everything? What if we determined in our lives that we owned nothing and it is all His to do with as He saw fit? What if we lived in the land of excess by not gathering but giving? Let's just see what God can do?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome to the Adventure!

So here we are and it is going to be a wild wild ride. Stephanie is the one who is getting me to do this so if you don't like what you read, then it's her fault. If you do then remember I wrote it. hehehe This blog is going to be about the way I see life, love, and God. It will be about the things we experience and some challenges we go through or need to go through.
A few words about the title. My Jeep is my absolute favorite place to be. It is a place of adventure. It promises that I will experience things I have never experienced and go places I never have gone. It says there are no limits where I can go and no obstacle is too tough for it to handle. It is able to adapt to every situation. In my Jeep, I have watched Ballgames, slept overnight, endured thunderstorms, and basked in the sun. I go down the street in it and go across the country as well. It is made for bumps and bruises and the open highway as well. It is rugged and tough. It is everything I strive to be but fall short of. When I am in my Jeep, I feel free in a world that is so often confining.
The view from the Jeep is one which is fraught is possibility. It is a look at life which is optimistic and exciting. This is the view I see and the viewpoint which I wish to share with you. A viewpoint which at times will be rough and rugged, but always promises adventure and opportunity right around the corner! Enjoy!