Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Putting Up With Him

One of my favorite TV shows is Monk. It is a show about a former police detective who is now a consultant and helps the San Fransisco Police solve the strangest cases. However, everybody is completely uncomfortable around Monk, including Monk himself. He has so many phobias and issues that it is hard to keep straight. (He is afraid of milk because it is a bodily fluid! You're welcome for that one!) He doesn't have anyone who just hangs out with him. He always cleaning up when ever there is a mess even if it's not His. But He always solves the case, always. He is always right, so people put up with him.
Often times, we treat God the same way. We know we need Him. We know He is right. We know He can solve any problem we face. But He makes us uncomfortable, so we only call when we need Him. Or, We just "put up" with Him. Being in God's presence is the most uncomfortable place we can be. In light of His presence, we see our sin, shortcomings, and failures. We might cut ourselves some slack but God never does, He loves us too much for that. He wants to change us and clean us up so that we may be more like Him. He wants to show us a better way. A way of joy.
In the book of Jeremiah, God says, "Because you have trusted in Me, you will keep your life like the spoils (of war)." (39:18b) You don't tolerate or put up with spoils but you celebrate them. God wants your life to be like that as well! Revel in presence. Enjoy your time with Him. There will be messes to clean up, clutter to be sorted out, and problem to be solved, but He's really good at that!

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