Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Winter Blahs" or "Set Me Free"

I know it's been two weeks since my last blog. But I just couldn't muster up the energy to post anything. Winter is really getting the best of me. It always does. I hate winter more than any other time of year. I miss my summer breezes, my Jeep going topless, the sun shining down, getting out and about without it taking an hour to get all the clothes on. Instead, we have to endure the bitter cold, the incapacitating ice, and the constant chill that never seems to go away. Every year around this time, I feel as if I am living in Narnia, where it was always winter but never Christmas.
I have found there are times in this season the weather does impact every part of my life, including my relationship with God. I just want to hibernate all the time and sleep in until Spring gets here. I want everyone to leave me alone and that includes God. But he loves me too much to leave me alone. He loves me too much to let me hibernate and hide from the world. He still has plans and purposes for me and I must fulfil these plans to grow in Him. We wants to break through the snow and ice of my heart and warm me with an everlasting love which will fill my life with joy even in the tough times I endure. I will find my joy in Him.
But just in case, Summer come quick, Please!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Waiting For The Storm" or "Greater Anticipation"

I am sitting in my office looking out the window, waiting. The weather said that there was a snow storm coming our way and we could get a lot of snow tonight. and yet here I am at 1:00 in the afternoon waiting for what I know is coming and still hoping it gets here sooner rather than later. I have been imagining all day what tomorrow will bring with the snow on the ground and the fun we are going to have out in once it gets here. I can already taste the hot chocolate and feel the snow. I can already see the snow angels Kianna is going to make and the snowballs Mysha is going to throw at me. It has been a struggle for me to concentrate all day on the work I have to get done here in my office today because of the excitement which is to come.
I wonder why I don't feel the same about Jesus sometimes. I know He has promised great things in His word. He has promised He is going to come back and I know He always keeps His promises.I also know He wants to do great things in me and through me. And yet there are times I doubt. There are times I don't care. There are times I question and yes, there are even times I am so distracted by so many other things, I forget. Yet when He comes He promises to make all things new, not just better, but new. This is an amazing promise He has given us. When I truly sit down and think about what those days must be like I get excited about it. About how lives will be transformed in front of my very own eyes. About how people will find a life fresh and new every morning. About being around a group who are broken and humbled like me, yet feel so alive in the grace which has been given to us.
Yeah, When I think about what He is going to do, I just can't wait for the storm, His storm. So look out the window, Imagine the possibilities, and get ready because He is coming and it's going to be great!