Monday, July 13, 2009

Living In The Land Of Excess

Steph is out of town this week and has left home alone. So, as I normally do during our times of separation I have been doing some, well, shall we say some reinventoring. Reinventoring is when I go throughout the house and see if there is any junk laying around the house we haven't used in a really long time. If there are any such items then I throw it away or donate it to charity. This time I have found quite a few items which are just in the way. So, as I started to dispose of such items I began to think about the way we live here in America.
We are a people who love our toys even if we don't play with them. We are a people who collect all sort of items. The other day I even heard of some who collected collections whatever that meant! We are a people who have mortgaged our away into pleasure whether it be new cars, house, or the latest fashion. We are the fattest country on Earth for ALL-TIME! The rest of the world call us the richest nation on Earth, even in the current recession. Very few us are truly going without what we really need, so we strive after what we want.
So, what do we want? That's the million dollar question. I don't think we even know what we want. We see images and read stories about what everyone else says we should want. But often it leaves us unsatisfied or empty after the newness wears off. We are addicted to a feeling that fleeting and hard to hold on to.
What if we decided to just live off what we needed? What if we decided to follow the example of Jesus, and use the gifts He has given us to help those in need? I have often heard excuses like, "People are just going to take advantage of me." No one can take advantage of something that is given freely. What if we decided to depend on Him for all our needs? What could He do with us if gave Him everything? What if we determined in our lives that we owned nothing and it is all His to do with as He saw fit? What if we lived in the land of excess by not gathering but giving? Let's just see what God can do?

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