Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"I'm Bored" or "I'm Given All She's Got, Captain!"

There is one phrase you rarely hear around my house. It is, "I'm Bored!" Any time the girls use these two words of agony, then the next reply is always, "O.k. I have some laundry that needs to be done", or "I have dishes which need to be wash" or some other household chore just waiting for bored girls to take a hold of. So, now they have learned to suffer silently, quietly wishing things could be better, or at least more exciting.

The church seems to be this way. We have a lot of people sitting in the pews, bored, but afraid that someone will give them a job to do if they would dare utter their discontentment. They are bored with the same old, same old, week in and week out. Every year they know exactly what is going to happen, so they feel no compulsion to get up and do something new or even better.

There is another group in the church who do not have time to be bored. They are busy running in and out scurrying along doing the same jobs they have done for the last 20 years, whether they are effective or not. They don't have time to evaluate if lives are being changed or to even consider if God may want to do something new!

Maybe one of the problems of the church today is our calendars are full of predictable, ineffective activity which has not be prayed over or sought God's advise on. What if we did something so unpredictable the world had to stand up and take notice as we attempt unprecedented steps for the sole purpose of Knowing Him and Making Him Known?

What can you do? What will you do?

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