Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Prayers for the Church" or "God, Are you sure?"

2 weeks ago I preached a sermon based on an experience I had in my office. I was getting ready for my normal sermon for Sunday Morning, when I felt VERY compelled to begin to pray for the church here at Spottsville. As I began to pray, words began to flow out of my mouth I had no idea where they were coming from. So, as the Holy Spirit was praying for this church I began to write down the prayer. I took it upstairs and showed it to Steph and all she could say was that it was from God.

Sunday Morning, I preached this prayer, not knowing what the reaction would be, or even caring. I just knew this is what God wanted them and me to hear. The reaction so far has been incredible. Lives are getting back in touch with God. The church is excited once again about our direction and I really believe this is just the beginning as God begins to answer what is really, His own prayer for us.

Here is the prayer I prayed and in the next weeks I will begin to expand on each point.

Missions will no longer be a Faceless idea, but rather we interact directly with reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Prayer will no longer be a religious exercise but rather it becomes an intimate experience with a God who desperately wants to meet with us.

Fellowship will no longer be a place of criticism and judgment but rather a place of forgiveness and grace.

Our Community will no longer be a separate place of ministry and life, but rather it will be an extension of our campus.

God’s Word will no longer be a nice book of suggested ways of living, but rather it will be the basis of all we do personal and corporately.

The Calendar will no longer be a predictable tradition of ineffective activity, but rather will be filled with opportunities for changed lives and expanded ministry.

Our Sunday School will no longer be just another Service Time which people feel obligated to attend, but rather be an intensive time where we grow more in Christ and with each other.

We will no longer be an exclusive group doing independent ministry, but rather seek to partner with more churches to reach our community, county, state, and world for Jesus Christ.

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