Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"It Takes Time To Grow" or "You Have WHAT In Your Garden?"

We've decided to give it another go this year. We are going to try and plant a garden again. Last year, our lives were very much up in the air that we couldn't do one. The year before that, a family of rabbits decided to help themselves to our garden. The year before that, we discovered God will not water your garden for you and a consistent basis! But with lessons learned, we are going to attempt to grow not just any garden, but an organic garden.

Most of the plants we buy are already started for us and we just transplant them into the ground. But a few, about 30 and counting, are being started from seeds. the ones we are planting from seeds are mostly unusual plants I never knew existed. We have purple, red, and white carrots. Purple tomatoes. Snow white cucumbers. Orange Watermelons. Purple potatoes. White Squash. Spaghetti Squash. And a whole assortment of herbs. (Bet ya want an invite to our cookout now, don't ya???) We do these unusual plants, frankly to keep me interested. I get bored with the usual garden items you can find in any grocer or farmer's market. I need to go beyond that. I need to stretch and grow as a gardener. (pun intended)

But we all need that in our everyday lives. Many years ago someone invented a revolutionary concept which is still being used today to stretch and grow us as Christ Followers. That concept was called Sunday School. It has gone through some changes and evolution over the years. In some churches the name has changed, in others the times and locations have changed, but the concept has basically stayed the same; A small group of people getting together to discover what the Word of God says about how God wants me to live my life today.

It is a wonderful, yet challenging time with a group of friends where we can discuss and help each other work through the issues and problems of our everyday lives. If you are not involved in a Sunday School/Bible Study/Fellowship Class then find one! You'll be glad you did!!!!

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