If there is one word which would describe my prayer life, it would be messy. I know, as a Pastor, my description ought to inspire and convey a sense of desire to reach out to God more and more. I wish I could, but the reality of it is my prayer life is so messy and fraught with contradiction. There are times when they are so full of faith and confidence. Then there are times when I hardly know what to even say. These times I come to God and wonder whether or not He even wants to listen to me when I have failed Him over and over. But the amazing thing is, He always is there to hear me, no matter what. That's what a Father does.
Prayer is one of the most important things we can do as followers of Jesus. It helps to keep us connected to a God who who wants to spend time with us and help us. In the past couple days, we have two amazing healings take place simply because God's People took time and asked Him to do it. But what about the times when God says no. What do we do then? If you are like me, then comes the pouting and the sulking and the questioning and sometimes the anger. But God is so patient with us, He is still there waiting for us to simply trust that He has the Best in mind.
What are you waiting for God to do? Our you willing for it not to be done in order to see God's best? (Even it is painful in the process?) Trust and Obey for there is no other way to happy in Jesus, than to Trust and Obey! Great Hymn, Great Truth!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
"Being On Mission" or "What? You Want Me To Go?"
The first part of the prayer from the previous post was, Missions will no longer be a Faceless idea, but rather we interact directly with reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For too long we have regulated the idea of missions to those people who have a special "call" to leave everything behind and reach the world for Jesus. We have been deceived in thinking missions is for the "Super Christian" but not normal people like me. Yet, there is no way we can read the Word of God and come to this understanding. Missions is an incredible privilege for those of us who are believers in Jesus Christ.
I have, the last several years, been trying to reconcile the words of Scripture and the actions of the churches, who believe they are doing missions because they send money to a big fund, or who happen to mention Missionaries in their prayers a couple times of year. The more I read the Scriptures, the more I come to understand the Great Commission's first word is to "Go", not send, not help others to "Go", but rather to "Go" ourselves. Helping others and sending money is great, but not to the exclusion of "Going" ourselves.
Your mission may not be to Africa, Russia, or China. But what about work, school, family, or down the street? We can not be true to the Great Commission and sit in comfort at home occupying our time with frivolousness. It is time for us to "Go"!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
"Prayers for the Church" or "God, Are you sure?"
2 weeks ago I preached a sermon based on an experience I had in my office. I was getting ready for my normal sermon for Sunday Morning, when I felt VERY compelled to begin to pray for the church here at Spottsville. As I began to pray, words began to flow out of my mouth I had no idea where they were coming from. So, as the Holy Spirit was praying for this church I began to write down the prayer. I took it upstairs and showed it to Steph and all she could say was that it was from God.
Sunday Morning, I preached this prayer, not knowing what the reaction would be, or even caring. I just knew this is what God wanted them and me to hear. The reaction so far has been incredible. Lives are getting back in touch with God. The church is excited once again about our direction and I really believe this is just the beginning as God begins to answer what is really, His own prayer for us.
Here is the prayer I prayed and in the next weeks I will begin to expand on each point.
Missions will no longer be a Faceless idea, but rather we interact directly with reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Prayer will no longer be a religious exercise but rather it becomes an intimate experience with a God who desperately wants to meet with us.
Fellowship will no longer be a place of criticism and judgment but rather a place of forgiveness and grace.
Our Community will no longer be a separate place of ministry and life, but rather it will be an extension of our campus.
God’s Word will no longer be a nice book of suggested ways of living, but rather it will be the basis of all we do personal and corporately.
The Calendar will no longer be a predictable tradition of ineffective activity, but rather will be filled with opportunities for changed lives and expanded ministry.
Our Sunday School will no longer be just another Service Time which people feel obligated to attend, but rather be an intensive time where we grow more in Christ and with each other.
We will no longer be an exclusive group doing independent ministry, but rather seek to partner with more churches to reach our community, county, state, and world for Jesus Christ.
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